It is the objective of Kilbryde Consulting Engineers to achieve excellent standards of Health and Safety in all aspects of its business activities, consistent with its pursuit of quality and performance generally, and to foster a culture of risk elimination, minimisation and control throughout the Company, as follows:

  • To provide healthy and safe working conditions for all Company staff and for the safety of visitors, other workers or members of the public who may come into contact with the company’s work.
  • To empower senior consultants, who will encourage other company members to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their work, and to co-operate with the company in meeting its statutory duties.
  • To give adequate information, instructions, training and supervision to staff.
  • To report and record all accidents and injuries.
  • To integrate health and safety objectives into the design process of projects undertaken by the company.
  • To require Contractors or Clients to discharge in full their responsibilities to our staff visiting their properties or construction sites.
  • To issue this Safety Policy together with current safety codes or practice notes to all staff and to issue further or revised guidance from time to time.
  • To receive proposals from employees of the Company, jointly or individually, for improving the effectiveness of these procedures and policies.
  • To require employees of the company to comply with this policy and any relevant guidance issued by the company.
  • To monitor and revise this policy regularly in respect of the Company’s functions and it’s working conditions at all locations.
NEC4 ECC Supervisor Accreditation
ISO 9001
Chartered Engineer